Sunday, October 19, 2008

Steve Fee Rocked

This is a post from Heather....

Okay so Levi and I had our date night tonight and we went to hear Steve Fee, Meredith Andrews, and Phil Wickham. We actually went because of Phil Wickham. Steve Fee rocked the stinkin' house. He was awesome. His spirit and passion and level of intensity was so cool. It really was awesome just to be there and get to worship with a totally different group of believers. I got tickled when he played, "We Shine." Fusion played his song, "We Shine" at camp. We did the fist pump and everything. I thought Jonathan came up with that but apparently, it's a Steve Fee thing because he was rocking the pump. Levi and I had a lot of fun. We stayed for a few of Phil Wickham's songs. He was good. His voice is killer good and super clear, it's really kind of freaky how good his voice is. We're old and tired so we headed on home.

1 comment:

  1. actually, i came up with it and he copied me :)

    (no seriously i didn't ever see him do it, great minds just think alike)
